id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-302859-dc26tyu2 Zahid, Marij Effects of coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on orthopedic residency program in the seventh largest city of the world: Recommendations from a resource-constrained setting 2020-06-25 .txt text/plain 1076 61 61 title: Effects of coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on orthopedic residency program in the seventh largest city of the world: Recommendations from a resource-constrained setting In this article we share our experience of effect of COVID-19 pandemic 10 on our orthopedic residency program and how we coped along with it. In this article we share our experience of effect of COVID-19 pandemic 10 on our orthopedic residency program and how we coped along with it. We also discussed some 11 way forwards in the article 12 Keywords: 13 Coronavirus; quarantine; orthopedic surgeons; pandemics; medical education 14 2 Introduction: 15 Since the inception of novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China, the global situation has changed 16 dramatically in every sector of life. We in this 50 article share our experience of orthopedic residency program in an urban tertiary care center and 51 delineate our division of work force during this pandemic and propose few recommendations. ./cache/cord-302859-dc26tyu2.txt ./txt/cord-302859-dc26tyu2.txt