id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-257684-4b66lenw Salenger, Rawn The Surge after the Surge: Cardiac Surgery post-COVID-19 2020-05-04 .txt text/plain 2921 160 48 ABSTRACT Background The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically reduced adult cardiac surgery case volumes as institutions and surgeons curtail non-urgent operations. We investigated the impact of various levels of increased post-pandemic hospital operating capacity on the time to clear the backlog of deferred cases. Conclusions Cardiac surgical operating capacity during the COVID-19 recovery period will have a dramatic impact on the time to clear the deferred cases backlog. We investigated the impact of various levels of increased postpandemic hospital operating capacity on the time to clear the backlog of deferred cases. Cardiac surgical operating capacity during the COVID-19 recovery period will have a dramatic impact on the time to clear the deferred cases backlog. Next, we used our mathematical model to predict the number of cardiac surgery cases deferred during the pandemic, and the length of time required to operate on the backlog, dependent on the amount of increased operating capacity institutions could achieve. ./cache/cord-257684-4b66lenw.txt ./txt/cord-257684-4b66lenw.txt