id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-346277-xo8qzhna Breed, Andrew C. Prevalence of Henipavirus and Rubulavirus Antibodies in Pteropid Bats, Papua New Guinea 2010-12-17 .txt text/plain 1653 86 52 T he genus Henipavirus in the family Paramyxoviridae contains 2 highly lethal viruses, Hendra virus (HeV) and Nipah virus (NiV), both of which use pteropid bats as their main natural reservoir (1) . The discovery of HeV in Australian fl ying foxes in 1996 (2) marked the beginning of a new wave of research activities, which led to the association of bats with some of the most notable viral pathogens to emerge in recent history, including NiV (1), severe acute respiratory syndrome-like coronaviruses (3), Ebola virus (4), and Marburg virus (5) . More recently, Melaka virus and Kampar virus, both closely related to viruses in the NBV species group, were isolated from human patients with respiratory symptoms; epidemiologic investigations strongly suggested they were the causative agents (9, 10) . Compared with results of the study conducted in Madgascar (14), in which 1/427 serum samples contained VNT-positive antibodies to both henipavirus and TioPV, our fi nding suggests extremely different paramyxovirus infection dynamics in bats in Papua New Guinea. ./cache/cord-346277-xo8qzhna.txt ./txt/cord-346277-xo8qzhna.txt