id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-341693-y7xpvwol Bayne, Karen Towards a bioeconomic vision for New Zealand – Unlocking barriers to enable new pathways and trajectories 2020-10-10 .txt text/plain 6132 271 40 By assessing the New Zealand bioeconomy against a set of six structural elements (Renewable resources; Knowledge, innovation & technology; Finance and governance; Research & development; Private and public expectations; Processes, products & services) strengths and weaknesses present in enabling bioeconomic transformation have been highlighted [6] . First, the returns from agricultural production are low compared to international profits ([31] [32] ); secondly, the environmental cost of production is reaching a point by which it is clear that changes to the current intensification norm are needed [33] ; thirdly, New Zealand's siloed primary sector economy and market dominance of large well-established corporates provides inertia to sectoral transformation; fourthly, some recent efforts to build and grow the bioeconomy have been met with social and market resistance; and finally, New Zealand is currently lacking governance and financial enablers to provide effective transition [6] . ./cache/cord-341693-y7xpvwol.txt ./txt/cord-341693-y7xpvwol.txt