id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-017595-v3rllyyu Puzyn, Tomasz Nanomaterials – the Next Great Challenge for Qsar Modelers 2009-06-25 .txt text/plain 9662 570 46 However, from the physico-chemical viewpoint, the novel properties of nanoparticles can also be determined by their chemical composition, surface structure, solubility, shape, ratio of particles in relation to agglomerates, and surface area to volume ratio. Analyzing the literature data (Section 14.3) it must be concluded that even if a class of structurally similar nanoparticles is tested with the same laboratory protocol, the number of tested compounds is often insufficient to perform comprehensive internal and external validation of a model and to calculate the appropriate measures of robustness and predictivity in QSAR. [81] have developed two models defining the relationships between basic physico-chemical properties (namely, water solubility, log S, and n-octanol/water partition coefficient, log P) of carbon nanotubes and their chiral vectors (as structural descriptors). Although we strongly believe in the usefulness and appropriateness of QSAR methodology for nanomaterial studies, the number of available models related to activity and toxicity is still very limited. ./cache/cord-017595-v3rllyyu.txt ./txt/cord-017595-v3rllyyu.txt