id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-267540-9p4rky4c Joseph, Iype Middle east respiratory syndrome corona virus (MERS CoV): The next steps 2015-03-26 .txt text/plain 1708 115 53 title: Middle east respiratory syndrome corona virus (MERS CoV): The next steps Developing countries are at risk of importing Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus (MERS CoV) from the Middle East. To assess the disease transmission in these countries, supplemental surveillance strategies are urgently needed beyond the currently recommended measures. Saudi Arabia reported the first case of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus (MERS-CoV) in September, 2012. Using the current strategy of virological testing of patients fulfilling the WHO case definition, India, Pakistan, Egypt, Bangladesh, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia 13 (countries having sizable numbers of health workers employed in the Middle-East) have not yet detected more than one case each. When all care givers of a patient acutely ill with MERS CoV are immune, further transmission within the hospital is unlikely. Middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus infections in health care workers ./cache/cord-267540-9p4rky4c.txt ./txt/cord-267540-9p4rky4c.txt