id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-345081-15s2i6f0 Al-Sehaibany, Fares S. Middle East respiratory syndrome in children: Dental considerations 2017-04-17 .txt text/plain 2655 163 42 As of January 2016, 1,633 laboratory-confirmed cases of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infection and 587 MERS-related deaths have been reported by the World Health Organization globally. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus may also spread through aerosols generated during various dental treatments, resulting in transmission between patients and dentists. 1, 17 Viral infections, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome Saudi Med J 2017; Vol. 38 (4) (SARS-CoV), may be transmitted to healthcare workers from infected patients through aerosols. 19 This review is an attempt to discuss MERS-CoV infection among children and those providing dental treatment to them, including precautions and considerations pertaining to the practice of pediatric dentistry. In pediatric dental practice, effective infection control measures for the prevention or minimization of viral infection transmission can be implemented by a) controlling the gag or cough reflex; b) reducing aerosol/ splatter generation; c) managing contaminated air and; d) improving personal protection. ./cache/cord-345081-15s2i6f0.txt ./txt/cord-345081-15s2i6f0.txt