id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-011677-axv32kys Van Beveren, Laura A Critical Perspective on Mental Health News in Six European Countries: How Are “Mental Health/Illness” and “Mental Health Literacy” Rhetorically Constructed? 2020-04-04 .txt text/plain 9459 346 34 In this study, we aim to contribute to the field of critical health communication research by examining how notions of mental health and illness are discursively constructed in newspapers and magazines in six European countries and how these constructions relate to specific understandings of mental health literacy. Using the method of cluster-agon analysis, we identified four terminological clusters in our data, in which mental health/illness is conceptualized as "dangerous," "a matter of lifestyle," "a unique story and experience," and "socially situated." We furthermore found that we cannot unambiguously assume that biopsychiatric discourses or discourses aimed at empathy and understanding are either exclusively stigmatizing or exclusively empowering and normalizing. However, our data suggest that news coverage that relates mental health problems to crime is still largely informed by the biocommunicable model of biomedical authority, with most of the terminology surrounding the concept of mental distress referring to biomedical psychiatry (i.e., illness, disorder, diagnosis, treatment, medication, and psychiatric expert). ./cache/cord-011677-axv32kys.txt ./txt/cord-011677-axv32kys.txt