id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-010924-ocpehls4 Im, Hyojin Capacity Building for Refugee Mental Health in Resettlement: Implementation and Evaluation of Cross-Cultural Trauma-Informed Care Training 2020-02-22 .txt text/plain 4819 199 42 We evaluated CC-TIC, using a free listing and semi-structured retrospective preand post-training evaluation with five localities in two states in the U.S. The results showed significant improvement in providers' knowledge of trauma impacts, cultural expressions of trauma/stress-related symptoms, and culturally-responsive trauma-informed care. This study emphasizes that culturally-responsive trauma-informed approaches can help bridge gaps between mental health care and resettlement services and promote exchanges of knowledge and expertise to build collaborative care and community partnership. Given such gaps, the authors developed a tailored training program that helps refugee service providers build competencies related to trauma-informed care in crosscultural settings and community partnerships for referrals and coordination of care. In order to address the gap in culturally-competent traumainformed care in refugee resettlement services, the first author developed an interactive training curriculum based on Herman's trauma recovery model [20] and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA)'s core principles of trauma-informed care [21] . ./cache/cord-010924-ocpehls4.txt ./txt/cord-010924-ocpehls4.txt