id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-001544-bco0nloe Fu, Xiao-Bing Military medicine in China: old topic, new concept 2014-04-15 .txt text/plain 3360 139 28 In China, military medicine plays a key role in supporting and maintaining health, in preventing injuries and diseases in military staff and in enhancing the military armed forces during war. Using the methods of biology, pathophysiology, targeting pharmacology, pharmacological genetic phenotyping, and genetic phenotyping, military medicine can introduce new theories, concepts, and technology into basic research areas, such as epidemiology, pathogenesis and pathological response, mechanisms of complications after injury, regeneration after severe organ damage, mental stress, and psychological responses to somatic and mental trauma. In the area of detecting, preventing and managing microbiological agents, military medical research in China has reached the international level but should continue developing specialized military supply systems with minimal side effects. Military medicine in China will continue to research the prevention and management of injuries caused by high-technology, new-concept and newly developed nuclear and chemical weapons. ./cache/cord-001544-bco0nloe.txt ./txt/cord-001544-bco0nloe.txt