id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-331771-fhy98qt4 Huang, He Modeling the competitive diffusions of rumor and knowledge and the impacts on epidemic spreading 2021-01-01 .txt text/plain 6797 399 52 When people have more connections in the communication-layer network, the knowledge is more likely to diffuse widely, and the rumor and epidemic can be eradicated more efficiently. Previous complex network models have found that information diffusion plays an important role in promoting the spread of self-protective measures during an epidemic [22, 23] . We adopt a two-layer network to model the processes of information diffusion (including rumor diffusion and knowledge diffusion) and epidemic spreading. In the contact-layer network, no matter whether the self-protective measure is perfectly effective or not, the threshold of epidemic outbreak increases nonlinearly with the penetration intensity of knowledge, but only if the penetration intensity of knowledge is large enough to make the knowledge widely spread. When more links are added to the communication-layer network, which allows people to receive information from more sources, knowledge is more likely to break out, and rumor and epidemic are more likely to be eradicated. ./cache/cord-331771-fhy98qt4.txt ./txt/cord-331771-fhy98qt4.txt