id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-305409-7v4nau0p Aravind, S.R. Strict Glycemic Control is Needed in Times of COVID19 Epidemic in India: A Call for Action for all Physicians()()()()() 2020-08-10 .txt text/plain 1930 104 50 With this background, in the following sections we discuss the role of patients' glycemic status before they have COVID-19 infection, at the time of admission, and during the hospital stay, vis-à-vis morbidity and mortality, and briefly outline key management issues (Table 1) . Such patients with uncontrolled hyperglycemia will obviously have high blood glucose levels during admission and also during hospitalization when they contract COVID19.This is the first scenario which is quite well known. The second scenario is when a patient not known to have diabetes is develops COVID-19 infection and high blood glucose and even ketoacidosis is detected at admission to the hospital [11] . However there are a number of factors which pose challenges; triggers for hyperglycemia [surge of cytokines ("cytokine storm"), frequent use of corticosteroids, etc.], ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar states, inability to monitor blood glucose levels frequently because of reduced contact between healthcare worker and patients, and non-inclusion of diabetes expert in the critical care team in many hospitals. ./cache/cord-305409-7v4nau0p.txt ./txt/cord-305409-7v4nau0p.txt