id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-297768-tjqpiyp1 Day, Alice S. Practical guidance for dietary management of patients with inflammatory bowel disease during the SARS-CoV2 pandemic 2020-07-20 .txt text/plain 1180 56 44 Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has resulted in considerable morbidity and mortality along with major disruption to global financial markets and social function with mandated social isolation precautions in many countries. 6, 7 It must 55 be acknowledged that it is unlikely any high quality evidence will allow timely production of 56 guidelines specific for IBD patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, so observational data 57 and anecdotal lessons learned from the first countries affected by the novel coronavirus are 58 providing direction for the rest of the world. 2 59 60 Despite reassuring registry data and published guidelines, many patients with IBD and their 61 treating clinicians alike may be reticent to persist with immunosuppressive therapy in the 62 setting of the COVID-19 pandemic. 8 Moreover, EEN has been shown to delay or avoid IBD surgery, 70 which is critical at a time when hospitalization increases risk of COVID-19 exposure as well 71 as in the setting of stretched health care resources. ./cache/cord-297768-tjqpiyp1.txt ./txt/cord-297768-tjqpiyp1.txt