id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-298475-3bhiattk Farmaki, Anna Impacts of Covid-19 on peer-to-peer accommodation platforms: Host perceptions and responses 2020-09-03 .txt text/plain 9838 462 48 The peer-to-peer (P2P) accommodation sector has attempted to follow suit, with platforms such as Airbnb and responding to the effects of Covid-19 in numerous ways. In recent years changes have been observed in the P2P accommodation sector as the growth of certain platforms (i.e. Airbnb) and the competition among hosts has led to the adoption of professional hospitality standards (Farmaki and Kaniadakis, 2020; . Within this type of hosts, we also identified participants that were previously involved in long-term renting; yet, they decided to switch to short-term rentals via P2P accommodation platforms as their popularity grew, allowing them to earn more money. Overall, five types of hosts were identified and categorised on a continuum (figure 1) according to their long-term perspective (i.e. decision to continue hosting on P2P accommodation platforms) and level of practice adjustment. ./cache/cord-298475-3bhiattk.txt ./txt/cord-298475-3bhiattk.txt