id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-265363-xw56intn Gautret, P. Incidence of Hajj-associated febrile cough episodes among French pilgrims: a prospective cohort study on the influence of statin use and risk factors 2014-12-12 .txt text/plain 3113 160 46 A prospective epidemiological study was conducted to evaluate the incidence of febrile cough episodes among adult Muslims travelling from Marseille to Saudi Arabia during the Hajj pilgrimage and to assess if use of statin had an influence on this incidence. This result suggests that while treatment with a statin has been demonstrated to reduce the mortality from severe sepsis associated with respiratory tract infections, it probably does not play a role in the outcome of regular febrile cough episodes as observed in the cohort studied here. The pre-travel questionnaire included demographic factors (age, gender, location of residence), indicators of immigration status (country of birth and duration of stay in France), socio-economic indicators (level of education, employment, type of housing, rooms per person and household, complementary health insurance modalities), health status indicators (diabetes, hypertension, chronic respiratory diseases, statin use, vaccination coverage against influenza) and number of previous travels to Saudi Arabia. ./cache/cord-265363-xw56intn.txt ./txt/cord-265363-xw56intn.txt