id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-022313-2675sjlf Elbein, Alan D. The Use of Glycosylation Inhibitors to Study Glycoconjugate Function 2012-12-02 .txt text/plain 21448 959 44 Perhaps one control for some of these studies would be to use other inhibitors (i.e., cycloheximide or puromycin) that are known to block protein synthesis but do not affect carbohydrate synthesis or addition, or some other inhibitors that mod ify the structure of the carbohydrate chain, and compare the effects of these compounds with those of tunicamycin on the function of the particular glycoprotein. When various cultured animal cells are grown or incubated in the presence of this alkaloid, the processing of N-linked glycoproteins is blocked at the first step in the pathway (see Fig. 3 ), and the asparaginelinked glycoproteins have oligosaccharides mostly of the Glc 3 Man 7 _ 9 (GlcNAc) 2 structure. The sugar analog, 2-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose, which was previously shown to inhibit dolichyl-P-mannose formation and lipid-linked oligosaccha rides (154) , also altered the synthesis of the GPI-anchored protein alka line phosphatase in JEG-3 cells and caused the accumulation of a proform of the enzyme. ./cache/cord-022313-2675sjlf.txt ./txt/cord-022313-2675sjlf.txt