id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-293565-420thmsr Chang, Hui-Wen Spike Protein Fusion Peptide and Feline Coronavirus Virulence 2012-07-17 .txt text/plain 3761 193 47 These viruses occur as 2 pathotypes with an enigmatic, even controversial, relationship: the lowvirulence or nonvirulent feline enteric coronavirus (FECV) and the highly lethal feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV). To identify the distinguishing difference(s) between the FCoV pathotypes, we initiated a full genome sequencing program of FECVs found in the feces of apparently healthy cats and of FIPVs found in organs or ascites of cats with pathologically confi rmed feline infectious peritonitis. Thus, we propose that alternative mutations in the S protein of FECV give rise to a tropism change that allows the virus to escape from the intestine into body tissues, where it causes feline infectious peritonitis. Phylogenetic tree based on partial amino acid sequences (aa 1056-1069) of the spike proteins of 118 feline infectious peritonitis viruses (FIPVs) and 183 feline enteric coronaviruses (FECVs) obtained by using reverse transcription nested PCR and sequencing of the distinguishing genomic region. ./cache/cord-293565-420thmsr.txt ./txt/cord-293565-420thmsr.txt