id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-032904-ex6zpud9 Isasti, Guillermo Comparison of telehealth and traditional face-to-face model during COVID-19 pandemic() 2020-09-30 .txt text/plain 721 50 65 This disruptive experience has meant a sudden and total shift from face-to-face consultations to a virtual model, unprecedented in many health systems. Of the total of 1721 patients contacted by teleconsultation, 1156 (67.2%) were referred for a follow-up, 332 (19.3%) were resolved and only 233 (13.5%) required re-appointment We analysed general consultations due to their greater volume (1339 patients), differentiating two tasks: First visits (315 patients) and follow-up visits (1024 patients). Of the first-visit patients, 18.1% were referred for a follow-up, 16.2% were resolved and 65.7% required a face-to-face visit. Of the follow-up group, 74.6% were doing a check-up, 25.3% were resolved and only 0.1% required a face-to-face visit. We did not observe statistically significant differences in the outcomes of the follow-up group when the face-toface model was compared to teleconsultation (pā–‘=ā–‘0.262). Although we are aware of the need for longer-term comparative studies evaluating the results of teleconsultation, telehealth interventions generally seem equivalent to face-to-face care 4 . ./cache/cord-032904-ex6zpud9.txt ./txt/cord-032904-ex6zpud9.txt