id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-005435-onghg1o8 Zhang, J Prolonged gene expression in mouse lung endothelial cells following transfection with Epstein–Barr virus-based episomal plasmid 2003-04-17 .txt text/plain 2870 168 53 title: Prolonged gene expression in mouse lung endothelial cells following transfection with Epstein–Barr virus-based episomal plasmid In this study, we show that pulmonary gene transfer via cationic lipidic vectors can be significantly improved using an Epstein–Barr virus (EBV)-based expression plasmid. Systemic administration of cationic liposomes followed by the EBV-based plasmid led to gene expression in the lung that lasted for more than 3 weeks. Prolonged and high levels of gene expression can also be obtained in primary mouse lung endothelial cells (MLEC) following lipofection with an EBV-based plasmid. In the current study, we investigate whether in vitro and in vivo gene transfer to mouse lung endothelial cells (MLEC) can be significantly improved using an EBVbased expression plasmid. Furthermore, sequential injection of DOTAP:cholesterol liposomes and pGEG.GL3 led to a significantly higher level of gene expression in the lung than complex injection (Figure 2b ). Figure 5 Prolonged gene expression in primary lung endothelial cells following lipofection with an EBV-based plasmid. ./cache/cord-005435-onghg1o8.txt ./txt/cord-005435-onghg1o8.txt