id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-311023-4ge4glq9 Hsieh, Yi-Fan A Lego(®)-like swappable fluidic module for bio-chem applications 2014-12-01 .txt text/plain 3386 172 51 In this study, we demonstrate an advanced Lego ® -like swappable fluidic module (SFM) concept using PDMS blocks with assorted channel geometries that effortlessly connect to form fully functional microfluidic devices. Gold nanoparticles were also synthesized by rapid mixing and reactive chloroauric acid (HAuCl 4 ) and sodium citrate (Na 3 Table 1 presents the modular fluidic components used to integrate Lego ® -like SFMs. The functional components consisted of finger-operated, electricity-free pumps, a one-way valve, vortextype mixer, reservoir, and heating block (with the associated block names P, OWV, VM, R, and HB), and the straight tube (ST), T-type tube (TT-F, TT-M with F, and M denoting a male to female type of sealing face), cross tube (CT-F, CT-M), corner tube (CT), and height tube (HT) were categorized as auxiliary components and the corresponding model numbers were listed below each schematic, which demonstrated the mass production feasibility of Lego ® -like SFMs in several sizes. ./cache/cord-311023-4ge4glq9.txt ./txt/cord-311023-4ge4glq9.txt