id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-293784-nrumr61g Deery, Chris The COVID-19 pandemic: implications for dental education 2020-06-26 .txt text/plain 654 51 52 Aim This narrative review aims to report on the impacts of COVID-19 on the provision of dental education in the 67 dental schools in the United States (US). Having set the scene and current challenges, it aims to suggest some strategies to overcome the issues facing dental schools going forward. Challenges The challenges identified include: protecting the health of students, faculty and staff; ensuring the continuity and quality of dental education; ensuring confidence in health and safety measures; and keeping up with guidance. Although this review is US focused the impacts on dental education in the immediate and longer term because of the COVID-19 pandemic are shared across the World. The COVID-19 pandemic: implications for dental education Practice points • Dental schools should embrace technology to support clinical and theoretical teaching • There is an urgent need for further research into the risks of dental aerosols, and mitigation of these risks ./cache/cord-293784-nrumr61g.txt ./txt/cord-293784-nrumr61g.txt