id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-034509-t1hkwoo2 Radermecker, Anne-Sophie V. Art and culture in the COVID-19 era: for a consumer-oriented approach 2020-11-02 .txt text/plain 5494 242 36 Beyond short-term initiatives such as surveys or data collection aiming to provide artists and intermediaries with financial and logistical supports, both academics and practitioners must engage in joined-up thinking on the future of art consumption, especially from a consumer's perspective. The social experience of art consumption has been severely affected by the sanitary crisis, and the consumers' willingness to attend large-scale cultural manifestations and to pay for online cultural goods and services will be decisive for the future of the sector. If education and incomes are known to influence art consumption (Kurabayashi and Ito 1992) , the current crisis has urged cultural institutions and industries to get a better sense of what their publics and consumers need, value, and expect when traditional consumption patterns are seriously challenged. ./cache/cord-034509-t1hkwoo2.txt ./txt/cord-034509-t1hkwoo2.txt