id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-284813-jck9f7nx Ruffino, Paolo Appraisal of cycling and pedestrian projects 2020-10-14 .txt text/plain 11447 514 46 Increased planning and financing activity has followed, targeting larger infrastructure projects such as bicycle and pedestrian networks, cycling highways, mass bicycle parking, diffused traffic calming measures and carfree areas, as well as the experimentation of behavioral interventions such as (non) monetary incentives such as bike-to-work or walk-to-school programs (Banister, 1990; Bertolini and le Clercq, 2003; Braun et al., 2016; Martens, 2007; Pucher and Buehler, 2012; Pucher et al., 2010) . In the field of transport appraisal, MCA is the most common alternative to Cost-Benefit Analysis as it allows to consider effects that are typically difficult to quantify and monetize (such as social inclusion, aesthetics, image, equity, etc.) (Browne and Ryan, 2011) . (2009) performed a CEA to measure the health outcomes against the costs of six different physical activity interventions compared to identify the most cost-effective option (the comparison included travel smart programs that rewarded travelers for reducing car trips and choosing to walk and cycle). ./cache/cord-284813-jck9f7nx.txt ./txt/cord-284813-jck9f7nx.txt