id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-345750-dk1exw9l Kulikov, A. S. Synthesis and antineoplastic properties of (1H-1,2,3-triazol-1-yl)furazans 2014-01-07 .txt text/plain 2274 188 67 All target compounds were evaluated for both antimitotic microtubule destabilizing effect in a phenotypic sea urchin embryo assay and cytotoxicity in a panel of 60 human cancer cell lines. Water soluble biologically active compounds contain ing both cycles, e.g., (1,2,3 triazol 1 yl)furazans 1, ex hibiting other mechanisms of action were synthesized. In addition, to extend the scope of triazolylfurazan derivatives with potential antineoplastic activity, we used the Clauson-Kaas pyrrole synthesis involving the reaction of primary amino group of the furazan ring with dimethoxytetra hydrofuran. Therefore, unpurified esters 4a-g were hydrolyzed to the corresponding acids 5a-g, which also without further purification were subsequently thermally decarboxylated to target 3 amino 4 [5 aryl(hetaryl) 1H 1,2,3 triazol 1 yl]furazans 6a-g in high yields. Subsequent Clauson-Kaas condensation of synthesized triazolylfurazans 6 with dimethoxytetrahydrofuran yielded a series of 4 [5 aryl (hetaryl) 1H 1,2,3 triazol 1 yl] (3 pyrrol 1 yl)furazans 7. ./cache/cord-345750-dk1exw9l.txt ./txt/cord-345750-dk1exw9l.txt