id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-340995-t1zu7uqa Jiang, Sida Databases for facilitating mechanistic investigations of traditional Chinese medicines against COVID-19 2020-06-02 .txt text/plain 456 27 40 title: Databases for facilitating mechanistic investigations of traditional Chinese medicines against COVID-19 As part of the efforts for probing these questions, the possible mechanisms of these traditional Chinese medicines have been studied based on the experimental and predicted targets of the chemical ingredients, which have been derived from the liquid chromatograph-mass spectrometry [4] and obtained from literature surveys [5, 6] . These studies have shown that the knowledge of the chemical ingredients of the traditional Chinese medicines are highly useful for COVID-19 investigations. The mechanisms of the traditional Chinese medicines are multifaceted in general and for the treatment of COVID-19 in particular [1, 2, 5, 6] . Therefore, more comprehensive investigations are needed for understanding the mechanisms of these traditional Chinese medicines, and for unveiling their benefits and adverse effects. A key step towards such investigations is to obtain the chemical ingredients of these traditional Chinese medicines, particularly the molecular structures and activities. ./cache/cord-340995-t1zu7uqa.txt ./txt/cord-340995-t1zu7uqa.txt