id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-349803-tsjgypy5 Rouka, Erasmia The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the adequacy of blood supply: Specialists in Transfusion Medicine need to establish models of preparedness 2020-09-28 .txt text/plain 663 38 49 title: The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the adequacy of blood supply: Specialists in Transfusion Medicine need to establish models of preparedness The management of transfusion services in disasters like the pandemic is of critical importance for any blood bank [1] . A study by Zimrin and Hess (2007) on the effect of a modern pandemic influenza on blood supply in the United States (US) predicted that transfusion services are likely to face significant losses of blood donors, personnel, supplies and reagents [2] . Simulation models for the blood supply system in threats like the pandemics have been developed in the US as reported by two independent studies [4] [5] . Planning for pandemic influenza: effect of a pandemic on the supply and demand for blood products in the United States An Interregional US Blood Supply Simulation Model to Evaluate Blood Availability to Support Planning for Emergency Preparedness and Medical Countermeasures Management of blood supplies during an influenza pandemic ./cache/cord-349803-tsjgypy5.txt ./txt/cord-349803-tsjgypy5.txt