id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-309247-5arpo7gn Manskikh, V. N. Spontaneous and experimentally induced pathologies in the naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber) 2017-12-15 .txt text/plain 6434 276 47 Since the risk of tumor development is clearly age dependent [18] , this is important for com paring with data on other animal species and on colonies of naked mole rats, as well as for answering the question about the incidence of spontaneous neoplasms in this species. Although the naked mole rat is an animal with unusually long for rodents lifespan, even the first profes sionally executed pathological studies revealed in it dis eases and tissue alterations characteristic for senescent short living rodents, including lipofuscinosis, sarcopenia, cortical hyperplasia of adrenals, megalocytosis of car diomyocytes and hepatocytes, dystrophic changes of intervertebral disks, heart changes of age related type, and also renal changes represented by CPN [3, 13, 46] . ./cache/cord-309247-5arpo7gn.txt ./txt/cord-309247-5arpo7gn.txt