id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-328181-b2o05j3j Nunez-Corrales, S. The Epidemiology Workbench: a Tool for Communities to Strategize in Response to COVID-19 and other Infectious Diseases 2020-07-25 .txt text/plain 11455 594 48 The Epidemiology Workbench provides access to an agent-based model in which demographic, geographic, and public health information a community together with a social distancing and testing strategy may be input, and a range of possible outcomes computed, to inform local authorities on coping strategies. 3 Building a multi-objective model for COVID-19: the agent-based route Based on the discussion above, our current research efforts have focused on the development of an integrated simulation model capable of a) accurately reflecting known dynamics of the current pandemic and the qualitative results of other models, b) simulating data-driven stochastic heterogeneity across agent populations to more realistically reflect the variability of underlying human populations when the model is applied, c) integrating economic considerations in association with observable features of the pandemic, d) allowing detailed simulation of known public policy measures at different times, intensities and dates, and e) providing a simple interface for non-expert users to configure and interpret. ./cache/cord-328181-b2o05j3j.txt ./txt/cord-328181-b2o05j3j.txt