id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-329964-reoa8kcw Botreau, Hélène Gender inequality and food insecurity: A dozen years after the food price crisis, rural women still bear the brunt of poverty and hunger 2020-09-30 .txt text/plain 19426 994 53 This chapter will proceed as follows: • Reflecting on how the existing challenges faced by women smallholder farmers were exacerbated by the structural causes of the food price crisis; • Examining major policy responses from governments and the private sector and analyzing their effectiveness in addressing the structural causes of the crisis; • Setting out the lessons learned from the major failures of this policy response; • Identifying key challenges and gaps in financial aid to women smallholder farmers and, more specifically, looking at the level of official development assistance (ODA) targeted to them since 2008; and • Providing policy recommendations to address all of these issues. Growing role for multinational enterprise Since the food price crisis, global policy has given more space to the private sector: for instance, the G8 launched its New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition in Africa in May 2012, with a goal of "unleashing the potential of the private sector." Developing country governments, bilateral and multilateral aid agencies, and multinational firms have all joined in promoting private investment in agriculture in the Global South. ./cache/cord-329964-reoa8kcw.txt ./txt/cord-329964-reoa8kcw.txt