id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-348529-e12bs3e4 Arming, Sigrid The human Cas1 protein: A sialic acid-specific O-acetyltransferase? 2010-10-14 .txt text/plain 7059 420 47 Our results indicate a direct involvement of the human Cas1 protein (Cas1p) in the O-acetylation of sialic acids. The human Cas1p shares some sequence similarity with viral sialic acid-specific O-acetylesterases, particularly around the active site residues (Figure 1 ). Interestingly, the cell line KG1a which was found to have a higher state of surface sialylation when comDownregulation of O-acetylation by CasD1-specific small interfering RNA In order to determine whether the CasD1 gene product is directly involved in the O-acetylation of sialic acids, we used small interfering RNA (siRNA) to downregulate the intrinsic CasD1 mRNA. The results indicate that the expression of Cas1p in COS cells directs acetyl groups to carbon 7 of sialic acid. We therefore suggest that the human Cas1p may represent a sialic acid-specific O-acetyltransferase, which transfers acetyl groups to carbon 7. ./cache/cord-348529-e12bs3e4.txt ./txt/cord-348529-e12bs3e4.txt