id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-9621 Category:Social philosophy - Wikipedia .html text/html 1066 246 49 Category:Social philosophy Wikipedia Category:Social philosophy Wikimedia Commons has media related to Social philosophy. Social philosophy is the study of questions about social behavior and interpretations of society and social institutions in terms of ethical values rather than empirical relations. Social philosophers place new emphasis on understanding the social contexts for political, legal, moral, and cultural questions, and to the development of novel theoretical frameworks, from social ontology to care ethics to cosmopolitan theories of democracy, human rights, gender equity and global justice. The main article for this category is Social philosophy. ► Social philosophy literature‎ (3 C, 27 P) Pages in category "Social philosophy" Index of social and political philosophy articles Social philosophy Social democracy Ethical socialism University of Frankfurt Institute for Social Research North American Society for Social Philosophy Political philosophy Philosophy of social science Social Choice and Individual Values Social exclusion Social liberalism Retrieved from "" ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-9621.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-9621.txt