id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-6249 Ayn Rand - Wikipedia .html text/html 13370 2185 70 Although she rejected the labels "conservative" and "libertarian",[176] Rand has had continuing influence on right-wing politics and libertarianism.[11] Jim Powell, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute, considers Rand one of the three most important women (along with Rose Wilder Lane and Isabel Paterson) of modern American libertarianism,[177] and David Nolan, one of the founders of the Libertarian Party, stated that "without Ayn Rand, the libertarian movement would not exist".[178] In his history of the libertarian movement, journalist Brian Doherty described her as "the most influential libertarian of the twentieth century to the public at large"[157] and biographer Jennifer Burns referred to her as "the ultimate gateway drug to life on the right".[179] Economist and Ayn Rand student George Reisman wrote: "Ayn particular, must be cited as providing a philosophical foundation for the case of capitalism, and as being responsible probably more than anyone else for the current spread of pro-capitalist ideas."[180] ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-6249.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-6249.txt