id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_s3kngg5klbah3ph6zslnfzpq3y Mira Johri Health and Global Justice 2002 2 .pdf application/pdf 1068 49 41 While people agree on the value of health, ways that these institutions affect the capacities of societies to secure good health for their part of the world can lead to health problems societies that value health in different ways, some countries insist that international institutions be granted the resources and authority to set research and development agendas Health and Global Justice public health and international justice; its Our initial discussions centered on questions concerning the definition of appropriate international health goals. and access to health-care resources, or rather countries has led many to misidentify relevant health standards and to overlook questions concerning the obligations of state and rooted in disagreements about the appropriateness of different principles for assigning responsibility for health, and they and extend beyond ongoing technical discussions of appropriate international health with the difficult question of how responsibilities for the alleviation of global health ./cache/work_s3kngg5klbah3ph6zslnfzpq3y.pdf ./txt/work_s3kngg5klbah3ph6zslnfzpq3y.txt