id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_nx6kkwvy6bb4bkkqnpld6s7gty Wei Zhang Hierarchical Image Object Search Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning 2020 8 .pdf application/pdf 3395 231 57 Hierarchical Image Object Search Based on Deep hierarchical deep reinforcement learning object Keywords-Object Detection; Deep Learning; continuously improve the object positioning speed is Traditional object detection algorithm Traditional object detection algorithm The traditional object search algorithm has the B. Object detection algorithm based on deep learning based on deep learning uses CPMC, Selective Search, C. Object detection algorithm based on deep learning technology in the field of object detection. HIERARCHICAL OBJECT SEARCH MODEL BASED Decision Process, and find an effective object detection process of learning to obtain high cumulative reward The reward function for the stop action According to the state, action and reward function, C. Hierarchical object search process CNN neural network model to extract feature values, search, or use the learned strategy to make action This paper propose an object detection model based model can effectively detect the object in the image. object detection with region proposal networks[C]//Advances in ./cache/work_nx6kkwvy6bb4bkkqnpld6s7gty.pdf ./txt/work_nx6kkwvy6bb4bkkqnpld6s7gty.txt