id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_45agadeerbhszh2kmiv4s3yymm Alexander Toet Alternating guided image filtering 2016 18 .pdf application/pdf 6381 652 65 present the Alternating Guided Filter (AGF) that achieves edge preserving smoothing preserves significant image edges while effectively eliminating small scale details. AGF combines the large scale edge and local intensity preserving properties of the RGF iterative framework results in effective size selective filtering of small scale details combined Figure 3 shows the results of RGF, SiRmed and AGF filtering after the first 3 iteration steps. Notice that all three filter schemes iteratively restore large scale image edges proceeding of respectively AGF, RGF, SiR and SiRmed filtering of Fig. 6A after five iteration steps. Results of (B) AGF, (C) RGF, (D) SiR and (E) SiRmed filtering after 5 iteration Results of RGF filtering of the input image for different values of the variances of the spatial (σs =3, 6 and 9) and range (σr =0.05, 0.1 and local intensity preserving image smoothing properties of the RGF with the large scale edge ./cache/work_45agadeerbhszh2kmiv4s3yymm.pdf ./txt/work_45agadeerbhszh2kmiv4s3yymm.txt