id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-319268-mqxwwwcd Raj, Sumit Letter to the Editor Regarding: “Case Volumes and Perioperative COVID-19 Incidence in Neurosurgical Patients During a Pandemic: Experiences at Two Tertiary Care Centers in Washington, DC” 2020-11-03 .txt text/plain 906 67 48 title: Letter to the Editor Regarding: "Case Volumes and Perioperative COVID-19 Incidence in Neurosurgical Patients During a Pandemic: Experiences at Two Tertiary Care Centers in Washington, DC" Letter to the Editor Regarding: "Case Volumes and Perioperative COVID-19 Incidence in Neurosurgical Patients During a Pandemic: Experiences at Two Tertiary Care Centers in Washington, DC" W e read the article by Dowlati et al., 1 in which the authors shared their thought-provoking observations to determine the risk of a neurosurgical patient becoming infected with coronavirus disease 2019 in the perioperative period and the effect of COVID-19 on the neurosurgical case volumes. The results and findings from their study have shown that a real risk of perioperative transmission exists and have summarized how the current COVID-19 pandemic has been changing the neurosurgical caseload patterns. Case volumes and perioperative COVID-19 incidence in neurosurgical patients during a pandemic: experiences at two tertiary care centers in ./cache/cord-319268-mqxwwwcd.txt ./txt/cord-319268-mqxwwwcd.txt