id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-351659-ujbxsus4 Jiang, Xiandeng A retrospective analysis of the dynamic transmission routes of the COVID-19 in mainland China 2020-08-19 .txt text/plain 4367 252 56 We propose a time-varying sparse vector autoregressive (VAR) model to retrospectively analyze and visualize the dynamic transmission routes of this outbreak in mainland China over January 31–February 19, 2020. Our results demonstrate that the influential inter-location routes from Hubei have become unidentifiable since February 4, 2020, whereas the self-transmission in each provincial-level administrative region (location, hereafter) was accelerating over February 4–15, 2020. Implications of our results suggest that in addition to the origin of the outbreak, virus preventions are of crucial importance in locations with the largest migrant workers percentages (e.g., Jiangxi, Henan and Anhui) to controlling the spread of COVID-19. This enables the detection and visualization of time-varying inter-location and self-transmission routes of the COVID-19 on the daily basis. On the fifth day (February 4, 2020), no influential transmission routes were found from Hubei to directly affect other locations, and there were only three influential routes identified nationally, including Zhejiang-Shaanxi, Zhejiang-Jiangxi and Jiangxi-Shanghai. ./cache/cord-351659-ujbxsus4.txt ./txt/cord-351659-ujbxsus4.txt