id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-342122-certy2v8 Ruscitti, Piero Pro-inflammatory properties of H-ferritin on human macrophages, ex vivo and in vitro observations 2020-07-22 .txt text/plain 4624 236 44 In this work, we tested (1) FeH and FeL in bone marrow (BM) and sera in patients with macrophage activation syndrome (MAS); (2) pro-inflammatory effects of ferritin, FeL, and FeH on macrophages; (3) ability of FeH-stimulated macrophages to stimulate the proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs); (4) production of mature IL-1β and IL-12p70 in extracellular compartments of FeH-stimulated macrophages. Finally, FeH-treated macrophages enhanced the proliferation of co-cultured PBMCs. Taking together all these results and considering that AOSD and MAS could be included in the so-called "hyperferritinaemic syndrome" 14 , our data could reinforce the hypothesis that higher levels of ferritin may not only be considered a consequence or an epiphenomenon of the inflammation, but it may actively play a role in pathogenic mechanisms of those diseases, thus enhancing the inflammatory burden. ./cache/cord-342122-certy2v8.txt ./txt/cord-342122-certy2v8.txt