id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-031937-qhlatg84 Verma, Anukriti Elucidating potential molecular signatures through host-microbe interactions for reactive arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease using combinatorial approach 2020-09-15 .txt text/plain 6760 326 31 In-silico analysis involving text mining, metabolic network reconstruction, simulation, filtering, host-microbe interaction, docking and molecular mimicry studies results in robust drug target/s and biomarker/s for co-evolved IBD and ReA. The contributions of the microorganisms in the co-evolved IBD and ReA as part of the disease network was created through the interactive maps of the essential host interaction proteins (verified using literature survey) and the information processed through gene expression data analysis 64 . The pathways of the above host interacting proteins were found out using KEGG database that provides ontologies for proteins related to biological processes 67 Subsequently, the role of drugs or inhibitors used to suppress the effect of IBD and ReA such as indomethacin, prednisone, ciprofloxacin, sulfasalazine, azathioprine, methotrexate and hydroxychloroquine was scored in the disease network through their docking studies against the potential targets (both host as well microbial targets) as per published methodologies 68, 69 . ./cache/cord-031937-qhlatg84.txt ./txt/cord-031937-qhlatg84.txt