id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-273638-mmlwh87u Tso, Ivy F. Alarming levels of psychiatric symptoms and the role of loneliness during the COVID-19 epidemic: A case study of Hong Kong 2020-08-23 .txt text/plain 4386 204 51 Thus, Hong Kong is a model case for the population-wide practice of effective social distancing and provides an opportunity to examine the impact of loneliness on mental health during the COVID-19.  We conducted an online survey to examine the impact of loneliness on mental health during COVID-19 in Hong Kong, a model case for the population-wide practice of effective social distancing. Further studies are needed to confirm the role of loneliness in mental health during COVID-19 with important factors likely impacting wellbeing controlled, and extend the investigation from depression and anxiety to other mental health concerns such as substance use and symptoms indicative of more severe disorders (e.g., psychosis). ./cache/cord-273638-mmlwh87u.txt ./txt/cord-273638-mmlwh87u.txt