id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-296419-j5rlgbl8 Powell, Joshua D. Influenza-Omics and the Host Response: Recent Advances and Future Prospects 2017-06-10 .txt text/plain 6210 300 40 Building on their earlier work, in 2012 Michael Katze's lab also compared their human swine microarray pH1N1 (CA 04/09 strain) data to mice and macaque lung responses after infection with the same virus [10] . A recent microarray study comparing highly-pathogenic H5N1 versus low-pathogenic H9N2 in the chicken lung provided valuable insight into inflammatory/cytokine host gene response differences related to infection outcomes [17] . Similar to swine studies, there is also limited proteomic analysis data available for avian species, but Sun and co-workers have identified 38 proteins using 2D-DIGE (differential gel electrophoresis) followed by MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS in the trachea of IAV-infected chickens [20] . Proteomics analysis of differential expression of chicken brain tissue proteins in response to the neurovirulent H5N1 avian influenza virus infection Conserved host response to highly pathogenic avian influenza virus infection in human cell culture, mouse and macaque model systems ./cache/cord-296419-j5rlgbl8.txt ./txt/cord-296419-j5rlgbl8.txt