id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-330067-ujhgb3b0 Huang, Yi CoVDB: a comprehensive database for comparative analysis of coronavirus genes and genomes 2007-10-02 .txt text/plain 3007 168 55 To overcome the problems we encountered in the existing databases during comparative sequence analysis, we built a comprehensive database, CoVDB (, of annotated coronavirus genes and genomes. CoVDB provides a convenient platform for rapid and accurate batch sequence retrieval, the cornerstone and bottleneck for comparative gene or genome analysis. In CoVDB, with the aim of facilitating gene retrieval, we tried to unify the naming of these non-structural proteins from different groups of coronaviruses. When we compared their putative amino acid sequences to the corresponding ones in other group 1 coronavirus genomes using BLAST, as well as searching for conserved domains using motifscan, results showed that the putative proteins encoded by these ORFs belonged to a protein family in Pfam originally assigned as 'Corona_NS3b' (accession number PF03053). database, CoVDB, of annotated coronavirus genes and genomes, which offers efficient batch sequence retrieval and analysis. ./cache/cord-330067-ujhgb3b0.txt ./txt/cord-330067-ujhgb3b0.txt