id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-275519-98qxf6xo Chun, Jong-Yoon Dual priming oligonucleotide system for the multiplex detection of respiratory viruses and SNP genotyping of CYP2C19 gene 2007-02-07 .txt text/plain 3293 154 51 This structure results in two primer segments with distinct annealing properties: a longer 5′-segment that initiates stable priming, and a short 3′-segment that determines target-specific extension. This DPO-based system is a fundamental tool for blocking extension of non-specifically primed templates, and thereby generates consistently high PCR specificity even under less than optimal PCR conditions. Since the development of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a variety of modifications in primer design and reaction conditions have been proposed to enhance and optimize specificity (1-3), but a fundamental solution for eliminating non-specific priming still remains a challenge and limits the versatility of PCR in nucleic-acid-based tests (NATs). In this article, we describe and demonstrate how effectively DPO eliminates extension of non-specifically primed templates and generates high PCR specificity under a range of sub-optimal or stringent reaction conditions. We further evaluated the DPO-based multiplex PCR system for the detection of a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in CYP2C19. ./cache/cord-275519-98qxf6xo.txt ./txt/cord-275519-98qxf6xo.txt