id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-000363-cbzd8ybv Belew, Ashton T. Endogenous ribosomal frameshift signals operate as mRNA destabilizing elements through at least two molecular pathways in yeast 2010-11-24 .txt text/plain 6301 311 51 The slippery heptamers for these À1 RF signals begin at nucleotides 858, 1653, 279 and 1521 of their respective ORFs. These were cloned into a yeast PGK1 reporter gene so that frameshifted ribosomes are directed to PTCs. All inserts were flanked by sequences derived from Renilla and firefly luciferase genes, providing unique exogenous sequences for specific detection of the reporter mRNAs. Two additional PGK1 reporters without À1 RF signals were used as controls: a readthrough reporter encoded a continuous ORF, while a PTC control contained an in-frame UAA termination codon ( Figure 1 ). Analysis of the Programmed Ribosomal Frameshift Database (http:// reveals that, along with the other four putative À1 RF signals in the EST2 mRNA, the mRNAs encoding Est1p, Stn1p, Cdc13p and Orc5p, all components or regulators of telomerase that are stabilized in NMD À cells, also contain high confidence À1 RF signals (Supplementary Figure S2 ). ./cache/cord-000363-cbzd8ybv.txt ./txt/cord-000363-cbzd8ybv.txt