id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-279979-3ecnbqom Anthony, S. J. Further Evidence for Bats as the Evolutionary Source of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2017-04-04 .txt text/plain 5345 247 48 Phylogenetic analysis showed that PREDICT/PDF-2180 is closely related to MERS-CoV across much of its genome, consistent with a common ancestry; however, the spike protein was highly divergent (46% amino acid identity), suggesting that the two viruses may have different receptor binding properties. Predicting the interactions of virus binding domains with a particular host receptor (for example, the human MERS-CoV receptor DPP4) is possible through the use of structural modeling and the generation of infectious clones. This virus (PREDICT/PDF-2180) shares the same putative S1 subunit recombination that was observed in NeoCoV, allowing us to also consider whether the spike recombination was critical for the emergence of MERS-CoV in humans. Based on the current criteria for species demarcation established by the International Committee for the Taxonomy of Viruses (ΟΎ90% amino acid sequence identity in the replicase proteins), PREDICT/PDF-2180 shares sufficient genetic identity to MERS-CoV to be considered a member of the MERS-like Coronavirus species. ./cache/cord-279979-3ecnbqom.txt ./txt/cord-279979-3ecnbqom.txt