id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-281753-neur9nmc Ji, Jingjing Early, low-dose, short-term methylprednisolone decreased the mortality in critical COVID-19 patients: a multicenter retrospective cohort study 2020-11-08 .txt text/plain 805 52 51 title: Early, low-dose, short-term methylprednisolone decreased the mortality in critical COVID-19 patients: a multicenter retrospective cohort study Since critical patients were more likely to receive GC therapy, only severe type and critical type patients, according to clinical classification of the Chinese Recommendations for Diagnosis and Treatment of Novel Coronavirus (SARSCoV2) infection (Trial 7th version) 4 , were enrolled in present study. We retrospective collected the clinical and outcome data of critical COVID-19 patients, and taking methylprednisolone ( Few studies have discussed the application time, dosage and duration of MP, which were mostly based on the physician experience. To further clarify when and how to employ MP application on the critical type patients, the hazards ratios were analyzed in each group according to the starting time, dosage, and treatment duration ( Figure 2 ). ./cache/cord-281753-neur9nmc.txt ./txt/cord-281753-neur9nmc.txt