id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-307279-1yei5ifs Nagra, Deepak Covid-19: Opacification score is higher in the right lung and right lung involvement is a better predictor of ICU admission 2020-10-02 .txt text/plain 641 47 54 title: Covid-19: Opacification score is higher in the right lung and right lung involvement is a better predictor of ICU admission In COVID-19 the right lung has higher degree of opacification on plain radiograph than the left lung. Right lung opacificiation is a stronger predictor for critical care admission and death. We extracted data from our EHR to build a risk score that predicted critical care admission or death. The extent of CXR abnormality was scored using an adapted radiographic assessment of lung oedema for COVID-19, as proposed by Wong et al (4) . In addition, opacification of the right lung was a stronger predictor of admission to critical care or die (see figure) . A clinical risk score to identify patients with COVID-19 at high risk of critical care admission or death: An observational cohort study ./cache/cord-307279-1yei5ifs.txt ./txt/cord-307279-1yei5ifs.txt