id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-270140-omr30shm Albuquerque Brandão, Maria Girlane Sousa Clinical and histopathological findings of cutaneous manifestations of COVID19 patients 2020-07-07 .txt text/plain 696 60 45 title: Clinical and histopathological findings of cutaneous manifestations of COVID19 patients The evidence was analyzed in PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane, Web of Science and Scopus, with the search strategy (covid 19 OR covid‐19 OR corona OR coronavirus OR sars‐cov‐2) AND (cutaneous or cutaneous manifestations OR), and 17 studies were included, involving 351 cases with COVID19 and skin manifestations. To comprehend how COVID19 causes dermatological alterations, affected areas, types of cutaneous manifestations, the period of appearance, cure and histological findings can provide subsidies for the disease's early recognition, to support a more effective clinical management of cutaneous lesions and give assistance in the screening and risk stratification 5 . The study's object is to identify clinical and histopathological findings of cutaneous manifestations of COVID19 patients. The study's object is to identify clinical and histopathological findings of cutaneous manifestations of COVID19 patients. Histopathological findings suggest spongiosis, thrombogenic vasculopathy and perivascular infiltration of lymphocytes. ./cache/cord-270140-omr30shm.txt ./txt/cord-270140-omr30shm.txt