id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-338288-vfcoyezy Kabashneh, Sohaip Multi-Organ Failure in a Patient With Diabetes due to COVID-19 With Clear Lungs 2020-05-15 .txt text/plain 1407 77 53 We report a case of a middle-aged man with DM and COVID-19 who developed seizure and altered mental status, found to have diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), acute kidney injury, hypovolemic shock, and hyperammonemia all contributing to metabolic encephalopathy. The patient was subsequently intubated for airway protection; basic labs showed multiple abnormalities including: DKA with blood glucose (BG) 1100, anion gap 46, HCO 3 4 , beta hydroxybutyrate 65.6; he also had acute kidney injury (AKI) with creatinine (Cr) of 4.9 (baseline was 1.0), blood urea nitrogen 84 , potassium 6.4, sodium 146, chloride 96, phosphorus 18.7, lactic acid 17.3; there was also evidence of liver function abnormalities with elevated ammonia level at 244; arterial blood gas was consistent with high anion gap metabolic acidosis with pH 6.79, HCO 3 4, PaCO 2 36, PaO 2 473. ./cache/cord-338288-vfcoyezy.txt ./txt/cord-338288-vfcoyezy.txt