id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-316278-niurdu7t Chern, Jimmy PS Delayed Treatment of Diagnosed Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Taiwan 2008-07-13 .txt text/plain 2822 180 53 The relationship between number of TB patients and days of delayed treatment after diagnosis exhibited a Power-law distribution. The days of delayed treatment of TB patients exhibited a Power-law distribution with a 95% statistical significance, indicating that most patients were treated immediately after diagnosis. Our study also revealed a Power-law distribution in TB treatment, suggesting that while most TB cases are controlled by public health authorities, the few patients who experience long delays in treatment can cause serious transmission. It is worth noting that a Powerlaw distribution in TB treatment, suggesting that while most TB cases are controlled by public health authorities, the few patients who experience long delays in treatment can cause serious risk for transmission [29, 30] . Patient and health care system delay in the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis Patient and health system delay in the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis in Southern Taiwan ./cache/cord-316278-niurdu7t.txt ./txt/cord-316278-niurdu7t.txt